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The Story of Joseph

Genesis 39 to 50

39 Joseph blessed in Potiphar's house;
temptation to commit adultery; thrown in prison

40 Dream's of butler and baker;
interpretation and fulfilment (blessed and cursed)
41 Pharaoh's dream; butler remembers Joseph;
Joseph as ruler; years of prosperity and famine
42 Joseph's brothers in Egypt;
Joseph's questions; grain given
43 Jacob sends Benjamin;
Josephs dines with brothers
44:1-14(a) Seizure of Benjamin
44:14(b)-34 Judah's plea for Benjamin
45:1-15 Joseph discloses identity
45:16-28 Pharaoh invites family to Egypt;
return trip to Jacob
46:1 - 47:6 Jacob goes to Egypt;
descendants of Jacob (70);
settlement in Goshen
47:7-31 Jacob meets and blesses Pharaoh;
land policies of Joseph;
Joseph's promise to Jacob
48:1 - 49:27 Jacob blesses Joseph's two sons;
Jacob blesses his sons
49:28 - 50:26 Death and burial of Jacob;
temptation to seek vengeance (blessed his brothers instead);
Death and embalming of Joseph
