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Genesis 42 — Joseph's Brothers

Ge 42:1-5 Jacob sends his sons to Egypt to buy grain

Ge 42:6 Joseph is the ruler over all the land
Ge 42:7-9(a) Joseph recognizes and remembers
Ge 42:9-13 Joseph accuses his brothers of being spies
Ge 42:14-16 Joseph's first test to his brothers
Ge 42:17 Joseph places his brothers in prison
Ge 42:18-20 Joseph's second test to his brothers
Ge 42:21-22 Brothers confess their guilt
Ge 42:23-24 Joseph understands and weeps
Ge 42:25-34 The brothers' dealings with the "lord of the land"
Ge 42:35-38 The opening of the grain sacks in Canaan before Jacob
